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Mandatory Earthquake Insurance is a compulsory insurance provided by the Natural Disaster Insurance Institution (DASK), which protects your home against potential material damages caused by earthquakes.

Mandatory Earthquake Insurance (DASK) in Marmaris: Protect Your Homes Against Earthquakes

For residents living in earthquake-prone areas like Marmaris, Mandatory Earthquake Insurance (DASK) stands out as a key element in protecting their homes and properties against potential earthquake risks. In Marmaris and its surrounding areas, which are located within Turkey’s earthquake zone, the importance of this insurance is significant. Here are detailed information about why Mandatory Earthquake Insurance should be obtained in Marmaris, its benefits, coverage, and more:

Why Should It Be Done?

For those living in earthquake-prone areas like Marmaris, Mandatory Earthquake Insurance is a fundamental part of protecting their homes against potential earthquakes. This insurance provides financial security to homeowners in the event of a possible earthquake and offers financial support for the reconstruction or repair of damaged properties.

What Are Its Benefits?

  • Security for Homeowners: Mandatory Earthquake Insurance covers the financial damages that may occur for homeowners after an earthquake. The insurance provides financial support to homeowners for repairs or reconstruction that may be needed after an earthquake.
  • Legal Protection: The insurance protects homeowners from potential legal proceedings following an earthquake. It provides support to homeowners in dealing with possible compensation claims or legal liabilities under the insurance coverage.
  • Kolaylık ve Hızlı İşlem: Zorunlu Deprem Sigortası, deprem sonrası oluşabilecek hasarların tazmin edilmesini hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde sağlar. Sigorta şirketi, ev sahiplerine hasarın tespiti ve tazminat sürecinde yardımcı olur.

DASK prices increase or decrease based on what factors?

DASK prices vary based on factors such as location, structural characteristics, and earthquake risk. The DASK premiums for homes located in earthquake-prone areas like Marmaris are determined according to the earthquake risk.

Mandatory Earthquake Insurance for residents in Marmaris and its surrounding areas is an important way to protect their homes and properties against earthquakes. However, it is important to review the details of the policy and choose insurance that suits your needs.

Under What Circumstances Can You Benefit?

You can benefit from Mandatory Earthquake Insurance when your home is damaged as a result of an earthquake. The insurance covers structural damages caused by earthquakes and the repair or reconstruction processes for these damages.

Under what circumstances does it remain out of coverage?

Mandatory Earthquake Insurance may exclude certain situations. For example, other natural disasters or non-structural damages not specified within the insurance policy coverage are typically excluded.

Why Should I Get Mandatory Earthquake Insurance?

Our country is located in a high-risk earthquake zone. We recommend getting your Mandatory Earthquake Insurance without delay to cover the material damages directly caused by earthquakes, as well as the potential financial losses from subsequent events like fire, explosion, tidal wave (tsunami), or landslides that may occur to yourself and your loved ones.

Mandatory Earthquake Insurance is provided by the Natural Disaster Insurance Institution (DASK).

Mandatory Earthquake Insurance covers the material damages directly caused by earthquakes and earthquake-related fire, explosion, tidal wave (tsunami), and landslides in the building of your residence, within the limits specified in your policy.